फलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिणः ।
को वक्ता तारतम्यस्य तमेकं वेधसं विना ॥
As part of horoscope analysis of a notable personality, we delve into the life of football legend Diego Maradona. Dr. E S Neelakantan takes a deep dive into Maradona’s horoscope and presents his analysis with respect to the key events starting from his birth, career, marriage, and the rise to the zenith of fame, then the world cup fiasco, health issues and drugs and finally the demise. As you read the article, you will understand the role of planets in shaping the destiny of Maradona, with its incredible highs and the terrible lows and in making him what he was: A legend in his lifetime. Read more.