April 2016 issue New
There are various special yogas constituted by permutations and combinations, the Vara, Nakshatra and Tithi. Yagnavalkya gives the rules for selecting a Muhurtha with maximum possible potentialities.

A guide to selecting highly potent Muhurthas


There are various special yogas constituted by permutations and combinations, the Vara, Nakshatra and Tithi. This can generate too many groupings, good and bad. We have the

  1. Tithi-Vara Yogas are the combination of those with Tithi and weekdays.
  2. Vara-Tara-Yogas with the combination of weekdays and nakshatras.
  3. Tithi-Vara-Tara Yogas are those with the combinations of all the three.

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There are divergent views in the constitution of some of the Tithi-Vara Yogas according to different authorities. We shall confine only to those, mostly accepted. Madhaveeya lists the following as Adhamayogas that are inauspicious caused by the combinations of Tithi and Vara.

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The Astrological eMagazine
April 2016 issue

The Astrological eMagazine April 2016

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Dr. B. V. Raman's The Astrological eMagazine