To begin with, astrology is an investigative
discipline and not a curative one. The notion that gems can
be used to effectively manipulate the working of
destiny to one's advantage
is unfounded and the concept
itself is alien to basic doctrine of astrology. Gem therapy
being curative in character does not fall within the scope
of astrological discipline and like ther therapies such as
acupuncture this also would be safer and more effective
in the hands of medical men acquainted with astrological
Directing our study to the actual users of gems, it is observed that the fascination for wearing gems mounted on rings is more evident in Eastern part of the country than in other areas. Coral (pravala) easily outnumbers any other gem with gomedha closely following with Cat's eye and moonstone lagging far behind. It is intriguing that other gems are rarely used although they represent powerful planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Mercury.
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