Mars has moved into the sign of Scorpio on 20th
February 2016. Mars gets together with Saturn, his
enemy. This is very indicative of mundane repercussions.
Mars will move into Sagittarius on 18th September 2016
Mars transit in Scorpio will have two major phases. Mars-Saturn association will be upto 25th March 2016. On this date, Saturn will retrograde in the constellation of Jyesta 2nd pada at 22019’ in Scorpio while as per Jaimini Jyothisha Saturn becomes Atmakaraka giving him more maleficstrength in Scorpio. Between 28th March 2016 and 30th March 2016 Mars, Saturn and Moon will be in Scorpio.
During the last Saturn-Mars association in Scorpio events that caught the attention of the world was the explosion of Space Shuttle Challenger on 28th January 1986 when the orb was within 10º. However no retrogression of Mars or Saturn was noted then. Mars moved to Scorpio on 23rd January 1986. This incident happened five days after the ingress.
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