July 2016 issue New
Here are the sixteen naamaas that are recommend by Sri Kanchi Paramacharya Swamigal - His Holiness Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswati - that everyone must try to chant.

The All Powerful Ganapathi Shoadasa Nama Stotra


It is said that one who reads, hears or remembers these sixteen names

  • During the commencement of education
  • During the marriage ceremony
  • During the commencement or coming back from a journey
  • During war or for that matter during any matter

will not face any difficulties and will attain victory.

Astrology and Profession

The Sixteen naamas are...

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The Astrological eMagazine
July 2016 issue

The Astrological eMagazine July 2016

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Dr. B. V. Raman's The Astrological eMagazine